Green New Deal Protest Brooklyn NY February 24th 2020
Jeffries Picket - Real Green New Deal Now! - February 24th 2020
Real Green New Deal Now!
Long Island University, 161 Ashland Place, Brooklyn
Members from "Food and Water Watch NY", "Friends of The Earth US", "New York Communities Change", "" and others showed up to Urge Representative
Jeffries to support ambitious policies that move the nation off fossil fuels to renewable energy, while creating good jobs,
healthy communities, and an economy that works for all of us.
Representative Jeffries is delivering his State of the District address -- and we'll be there, urging him to champion a real Green New Deal
The group was there to call on Jeffries to support bold legislation that protects our communities from climate change while addressing rising inequality.
#GreenNewDeal #ClimateChange #Environment #Hakeemjeffries
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